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The Peace of Christ be with you!

The Rev. Julia Hendrix is our rector.  Mother Julie has been the rector of St. Mark's since 2021.

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GOOOO Pack!!


Mother Julie grew up in the heart of the Fox Valley in Wisconsin.  She is an avid Packers and Badgers fan.


Mother Julie came to St. Mark's in June of 2021 (hello COVID!), proving she believes that God's presence is with us always, no matter if a worldwide pandemic seeks to separate us!


A life-long Episcopalian, Mother Julie, prior to becoming a priest, worked as a lawyer advocating for immigration reform on Capitol Hill and then as a high school English and history teacher in international schools in several different countries.


As of rector of St. Mark's, Mother Julie is responsible for the spiritual health and vitality of the church, serves as the administrative head of the church, chairs the Vestry (the lay leadership team of the church), and spends equal time bent over the Bible as she does creating Sunday's bulletin.


For fun Mother Julie spends time with her husband Steve, and their 2 dogs and 2 cats.  She has three adult children and probably the world's best grandsons.  Sometimes you can find her whacking at the tall grass in an effort to find a lost golf ball, or walking her dogs through the local parks.  She reads, loves knitting and crocheting, dabbles in painting, and enjoys a good cup of coffee along with good conversation.


Want to schedule a meeting with Mother Julie? 


I respond really well to both email and texts. 

If I don't answer your phone call, I will call as soon as possible.


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